
Boot Camp can be a transformational experience - geared towards getting you in shape in the least amount of time by using methods constantly varied in: intensity, duration, and movement. Defy your doubts and shatter your goals with programs, training, and community shaped to push you forward and develop functional strength and fitness no matter your age or athletic ability. We work with all fitness levels from beginners to hardcore athletes and powerlifters. Challenge yourself and embrace your strength today!

“What you suck at is what you have the greatest capacity to improve.”  Kristin Richardson, Boot Camp member 

Boot Camp

Boot Camp

Designed to consistently shock your system and deliver results, this 45 minute class combines full body strength training with high intensity conditioning to burn fat and build muscle. Fast-paced, fun and always different - we flip tires, swing Kettlebells, push sleds, climb cargo nets, and much more - you'll leave class feeling empowered and stronger. Plus, we offer a special Cardio Core Boot Camp focusing on building a strong core, burning calories and torching fat to deliver rock hard abs. 



An ancient exercise tool adapted for modern day workouts, Kettlebell classes are structured to give you a 2-hour workout in just 30 minutes, you'll burn major calories while building strength and improving your mobility...all without impacting your joints. We even offer Beginner Kettlebell classes. These eight 40 minute classes will help you learn and perfect the four main Kettlebell exercises: deadlifts, swings, squats and get-ups. Once you complete this program, you'll be swinging your way into our regular Kettlebell class.