Ask Us Anything!

October 28th, 2014

IMG_3178Yes, you read right. Here is your chance to ask Boot Camp trainers Laurel, Mike, Nigel, Ricky and Brett any deep, burning question you may have about workouts, training and more!

Here’s how to submit your question:

1. Post your question in the comment section of this blog post.

2. Don’t forget to put your name so we know who to reply to.

3. Don’t hold back! Remember there are no dumb questions.

After we’ve received your comments, we’ll answer them in a video and post it to the blog and our social media accounts.

Ask away!

Halloween Candy Survival Tips

October 22nd, 2014


The main attraction of Halloween is the candy. Months prior to the big night, stores begin stocking up on all kinds of delicious Halloween-themed treats, tempting us all to get in the Halloween spirit and stock our homes with our favorite candies.

The holidays are the time when most people start to gain weight. It starts with the Halloween candy and continues with the big Thanksgiving dinners and holiday parties, but the cycle can be broken if you plan ahead– let’s start with Halloween.

Here are some do’s and don’ts to resist the temptation to overeat Halloween candy:

  • Buy a candy you don’t like.
  • Keep track of how many trick-or-treaters you actually have. Don’t overstock on candy.
  • Do not buy your candy ahead of time. Buy candy to give out to trick-or-treaters the day before or the day of.
  • Give your kids a little bag and take them to a few houses. Constricting the bag size will limit the amount of candy entering your home after the holiday.
  • Set boundaries for yourself and your kids by using moderation. You don’t have to binge through the candy in a couple of days. Make it a special after-dinner treat to select one piece of candy to eat.

Challenge Yourself to Transform this Holiday Season

October 20th, 2014

Did you know that most people will gain between 5 and 10 pounds between Halloween and New Years? It seems like we start with Halloween candy and then it’s an unhealthy eating free-for-all until we buckle down and set our New Year’s resolutions.

We tell ourselves that it is okay because it is the holidays. It becomes okay to bring candy, doughnuts, cakes, cookies and other treats to share with our coworkers. We tell ourselves that one won’t hurt. The truth is one WON’T hurt, but most people don’t stop there. Before you know it, you’ve gained weight. You find you can no longer fit into the outfit you planned to wear to holiday parties.

We at Boot Camp Fitness and Training decided to change that. A group of  boot campers have decided that we are going to be in shape, fit and looking hot for the holidays with our Transformation Challenge.

The 12-Week Transformation Challenge is open to all Boot Camp Fitness and Training members. Transformation winners are chosen based on weight loss, waist measurement and percentage of body fat. The last challenge began Oct. 6, but it’s not too late to enter a whole new way to reach your goals. Start your own Transformation Challenge.

First thing is to set a long term goal with a deadline. Your goal must be realistic and measurable. Just saying you are going to lose weight is not enough. How much weight? By when?

Break that goal into weekly goals. What do you need to do to reach your bigger goal? It’s proven that keeping a food journal works. There are plenty of online sites that are great for tracking your food intake.

  • Exercise has to be a priority. Make sure you are working out at a medium to high intensity most days of the week. Weigh and measure your food for a while. You will be amazed at how much you were underestimating the amount of food you were eating.
  • Switch out processed carbs for fresh fruit and vegetables. Vow to eat smaller meals more frequently rather than just 2 or 3 big meals a day.
  • Eat breakfast!

There are so many weekly goals to choose from. Just remember: Keep it simple! You don’t have to change everything at once. Pick one or two weekly goals.

Daily goals are also important. It will keep you focused on creating good healthy habits. Maybe a goal is to eat breakfast or bringing your lunch to work rather than going out. Maybe it’s to eat healthy snacks through out the day or to “close the kitchen” after dinner.

Creating your own Transformation does not have to be hard. Just keep in mind that it has to be things you are willing to to. If you are not a runner, it makes no sense to make it a goal to run everyday. Don’t set yourself up for failure. You’ve been failing long enough.

Keep it simple, keep it achievable and before long you will become that person you’ve always wanted to be.

Client Spotlight

October 15th, 2014
Boot Camper Michelle Maguire.

Boot Camper Michelle Maguire.

Michelle Maguire started Boot Camp Fitness and Training classes nine months ago. For five years the 38-year-old from Tallahassee treated her anxiety and depression with medication. Today, she has completely weaned herself off of her anxiety and depression medication and credits Boot Camp Fitness and Training as a key factor for her mental wellbeing.

1. Why did you start working out at Boot Camp Fitness and Training?

I never completely lost the baby weight from my first son and always wished and hoped it would happen, though I can honestly say I never put forth much effort.  Four years ago, my husband and I were considering divorce, and the stress of it caused me to stop eating completely.  I lost 70 pounds in about five months.  I felt great about losing the weight.  I was so excited that I didn’t have to shop the plus sizes anymore.  Once things settled down and we started working things out, my weight started creeping up again. 

Desperate to not go back, I tried several at home workout solutions (I bought a workout game for Xbox, walked around the neighborhood, videos, etc.)  None of it was working and next thing I knew, I had gained back 35 pounds.  I saw a Groupon for Boot Camp Fitness and Training and read on the website that people had been known to drop two dress sizes in one session.  Also, the classes were on the same days and times as my kids’ karate class that is two blocks away.  I had no excuse. 

The plan was, I would do one session, lose my two dress sizes and be done…The first day was so hard.  We had to run up two big hills and then come back and do a handful of exercises and then run up the hill again.  The first time on the hill, I was very winded, but I made it.  My second time on the hill I took so long, Mike came to look for me (there were only 5 or 6 people in the class and it was dark out). When class ended and I realized that it had not actually killed me, I was so proud of myself for actually doing it.  Honestly being proud of myself like that, was something I had not felt in a really long time.  That is what kept me going back.  

2. How often do you attend classes at Boot Camp Fitness and Training?

Right now I go four days a week.  When I first started I went two.  Then I signed up for the unlimited and added a day.  Now I go four and I am trying to figure out how to add another day.  It never seems to be enough.  I have been going long enough now that I have friends, especially in Powerlifting.  I get really excited to go to class.  We workout, but we spend a lot of time laughing and chatting.

3. How have you benefited from Boot Camp Fitness and Training?

As I said earlier, I envisioned this massive weight loss and whole body change when I first started.  While that has not happened, I have had an entire mental makeover.  I have always been an outwardly positive person, but I rarely had that positive outlook on myself.  I would say things like, “I did a good job on that, but I could have done better- this part was wrong and that part is crooked,” etc.These classes have given me a sense of pride and total accomplishment that I don’t know if I have ever felt- there is no “that was good but…” instead I leave Boot Camp thinking “I kick butt!” 

In July I had to go to the doctor to get my prescription for depression and anxiety refilled and the doctor asked his usual string of questions, but one really stuck with me “…and you feel like you still need the Wellbutrin?”  I said yes, but then I kept thinking about it.  For about a week it went round and round my head.  I realized that I didn’t think I really needed it anymore.  This was the first time in the five years I had been on it that I actually thought I didn’t need it.  I called the doctor and he told me I had to wean myself off, but if I felt like I didn’t need it, I should try getting off of it.  I was kind of nervous- what if I got off it completely and fell apart- I would feel like such a failure if I had to go back on it. 

I was aware that working out is a natural anti-depressant, and that it gives you self confidence, blah, blah, blah.  I truly underestimated the mental benefits of working out.  I think this is a truth everyone has to find for themselves.  I have been off of the medication for almost two months and feel great.  It is funny that this feels like an accomplishment too, but it does.  I should also add that I have lost 10 pounds (I am sure I have lost more, but gained it back in muscle) and 6 inches from my waist.

4. What is your favorite workout? 

I love the workouts where we do something completely wacky (like flip tires, drag bodies, etc).  I also like the workouts designed for us to finish, I feel a sense of accomplishment when I do.  I also like the ones where we go in groups to different stations…and the ones where we don’t do burpees — I hate those things… I really love the powerlifting class.  I feel so strong after class.  I actually heard my husband brag recently that his wife “could deadlift 225 pounds.”  The powerlifting has the best comradery.  We have all become friends– we spend more time laughing than lifting.

I also really like that you work out next to people who are super fit and have these great bodies, but still struggle with the workout and say how hard it is.  Basically, I like to see everyone struggle.

5. What is different about Boot Camp Fitness and Training than other gyms you have been a member of in the past?

A long time ago I went to a gym, actually back that up- I had a membership to a gym.  I went off and on for a couple of weeks at a time, but I could never make it fit into my routine and I got really bored.  I don’t think I was using the equipment right and when I got tired I went home.

Boot Camp Fitness and Training gives me no excuse.  I have to be on that side of town no matter what.  If I don’t go, I will just sit in my car while my kids are in karate.  I would probably end up feeling really disappointed and guilty.  I love that everyone holds you accountable for what you are doing.  I don’t know if I would ever want him to know this- but Mike pushes me farther than anyone else.  I see him look at me from across the room and I automatically start trying harder, lifting to a heavier weight, and then I try not to look at him again.  Laurel forces you to set goals and has no problem saying something if she thinks you may have lost sight of them.  Ricky is the nice one- he always says hi, and always stops to ask how are you, and gently tell you how to correctly lift a kettlebell.  Brett is always ready to encourage you to add another 20 pounds– he just knows you can do it.   I really like how everyone seems to actually cares.  I went out of town for two weeks for work and when I came back everyone asked where I had been, I had read about places that do that, but never actually come across them.  All of these things are what makes Boot Camp Fitness and Training different.

Three Step Program To Get You Started On Your Way To a Healthier, Happier and More Productive Lifestyle

October 14th, 2014

The Three Step Program: Lose 3 to 4 pounds in 4 weeks!

Losing just 3-4 pounds in four weeks just doesn’t sound very exciting does it? It probably doesn’t make you want to leap off the couch, run to the phone with your credit card in hand.

What is it about spending $19.95 or $29.95 that makes a weight loss program or exercise gadget work? There must be something to it because we Americans are spending an incredible $30 billion a year on weight loss products. That number is mind-boggling. At Boot Camp Fitness and Training, we don’t claim to be financial experts, but it seems to us $30 billion could really go a long way in wiping out poverty, disease, or feeding the hungry.

The sad part is that 95-98 percent of people who lose weight on these quick weight loss programs, gain it all back between six months and three years. Research also shows that 90 percent of these people gain back more than they lost. The failure of weight loss programs is so great that a leading researcher has said, “Dieting is the leading cause of obesity in the U.S.”

You can’t watch daytime or late night TV without being bombarded by the next great miracle product guaranteed to help you get that “body you’ve always dreamed of”. There are products that guarantee that you will lose 10 pounds in six days, 20 pounds in two weeks or that promise you can lose weight while you sleep. Wouldn’t that be great!

So, what is the big weight loss secret? First of all you must really believe that it is okay and healthy to lose only 3-4 pounds a month, sometimes you may lose more and sometimes less. You must be satisfied with the fact that the slower the weight loss, the better the chances of the weight being fat loss and not water. More importantly, this way of slow and steady weight loss is conducive to long term, life time success and health. Just say no to quick fixes!

The rest of the secret you have been hearing and reading about for years — it’s called healthy eating and exercise. Make it part of your life. Don’t make this about getting into a certain size or losing weight for a wedding or school reunion. Do it so that you live a healthy productive life. Do it so that you can get out there and play with your kids without passing out on the grass because you can’t keep up. Do it so that you can model healthy behaviors for your children.  Do it so that you feel good about yourself. Do it so that you don’t die.

Start your program by picking just one or two behaviors a week and start making changes. It could be as simple as eating breakfast, giving up sodas, or other sugary drinks. Try eating smaller portion sizes or saving sweets for just one night a week. It might be cutting back on alcohol or taking healthy meals to work or school. You may set aside 15 minutes or more a day to walk or play with your kids. The point is don’t change everything at once or you’re setting yourself up for failure. Of course if you want to reach your goals quicker, than do a little bit more. But once again watch out for the all or nothing approach.

Don’t waste anymore of your hard earned money supporting the $30 billion diet and weight loss industry. You have everything you need within yourself to lose weight or get in shape. So, stop making excuses, quit looking for that quick fix and get out there and take back control!

Overeating: It Happens More Than You Think

October 9th, 2014

Eating a wholesome, healthy diet is key to losing weight. But just like that old phrase, “Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing,” so can eating too much — even if it is healthy food.

So how do you know if you’re overeating?

Simple. Start by measuring how much food you eat. Pay attention to the serving size listed on the package. Are you eating the serving size suggested? You might be surprised to find you are eating 2-3 servings instead of one.

Here are a few handy one serving size measurement tips:

  • Meat/Fish/Poultry: 3 ounces. You can measure this by size of your palm (don’t count your fingers) or think of the size of a deck of cards.
  • Milk/Yogurt: 1 cup or the size of a tennis ball.
  • Pasta/Rice: 1/2 cup cooked or the size of a small fist.
  • Bread: The size of a CD case is one slice of bread, 1/2 of an English muffin, bagel, pita bread, hamburger bun or one 6 inch tortilla.
  • Cheese: 1 ounce or the size of your thumb.
  • Fruits: 1/2 cup of berries or chopped fruit. One medium sized apple, orange, banana or peach. Larger fruits can be more than one serving.
  • Vegetables: 1/2 cup cooked or the size of a small fist.
  • Cereal: 1/2 cup cooked oatmeal, grits or cream of wheat or one ounce of ready-to-eat cereal — about the size of a baseball.


Client Spotlight

October 7th, 2014
Jennifer Ruggiero

Jennifer Ruggiero

In September of 2006, a car accident left Jennifer Ruggiero with a severe ankle injury. Not too long after the accident, Ruggiero sought the help of Boot Camp Fitness and Training to get back into shape. She took a break after becoming a mom to Joseph, now 3-years-old, and is back at the gym. Since returning to Boot Camp classes regularly in August, Ruggiero has lost 15 pounds.

1. What motivated you to sign up for Boot Camp Fitness and Training classes?

I was a member of Boot Camp when they first opened. After having a baby, I recently signed back up and I’m so glad I did! I feel better and so much stronger!

2. What is your favorite Boot Camp workout?

LOVE Kettlebells!

3. How did you hear about Boot Camp Fitness and Training?

From a recent member.

4. What do you like best about Boot Camp Fitness and Training?

The never ending support! Laurel, Mike, Ricky and Brett are awesome! Every trainer at Boot Camp goes out of their way to know you and help you in any way possible. With a serious ankle injury, sprinting is not possible for me to do at this point. The trainers always have a modified exercise to fit your specific need.

5. If you could talk to someone who might be hesitant to sign up for classes, what would you say?

You have nothing to lose! I promise, Boot Camp Fitness and Training is the best gym in town! The workouts and support cannot be found anywhere else in Tallahassee! You won’t regret it!

Why Your Fitness and Activity Tracker May Not be So Smart

October 6th, 2014

Do you use a Fitbit, Jawbone or any other similar activity and fitness tracking device?

While the device can give good insight as to how active you are throughout the day, it may not be able to pick up on some of your exercises such as cycling and yoga, according to a recent accuracy study by the New York Times Well Blog.

Why can’t they detect these exercises?

Because of the accelerometer– the device inside the activity tracker collecting the data. The accelerometer records acceleration when the device, which is usually attached to a person’s wrist, is moved. Most activity trackers also record inactivity, i.e. when the device does not move. Some activities that do not require much wrist movement such as cycling, lifting weights, wall-sits or yoga may go unnoticed. Another disadvantage to note is that the accelerometer does not measure physical exertion.

Diets: The Good, The Bad and the Downright Stupid

October 3rd, 2014

Fat-burning, amazing miracle diets — we’ve all heard about them, and we’ve all wanted to believe they work, no matter how ridiculous they’ve sounded.

Today’s society is obsessed with less work and instant gratification: We want to look like Kate Moss in a bikini and we want it— yesterday. This mindset has created some pretty bizarre and unhealthy diets.

“Extract” diets are becoming increasingly popular within the healthsphere, such as the Pure White Kidney Bean Extract and Green Coffee Bean Extract diets toted by television host Dr. Oz as “fat-burning miracles.” These extracts, according to Dr. Oz, are supplements that help burn fat faster. The reality is there is no magic pill that will make you skinny without a lifestyle change.

A more dangerous weight loss trend gaining popularity is the 500 calorie diet. The 500 calorie diet was designed to help extremely obese people lose up to five pounds a week. People on the 500 calorie diet are usually monitored by health professionals because of the health risks it presents.

Calories are a unit of measurement– they measure the amount of energy a food or beverage provides the body. You need calories to perform every day activities — even to sleep! The daily requirements for men and women differ. The average man requires 2000 to 2500 calories per day and the average woman requires 1500 to 2000 calories per day. According, extreme calorie cutting, such as the 500 calorie diet, can result in nutritional deficiencies, eating disorders, ketosis and other serious health conditions.

Healthier diet options include the Paleo diet and Vegan diet.

The Paleo diet recommends a daily serving of lean proteins, fruits and vegetables and healthy fats (from nuts, seeds, olive oil, avocados, etc.) Those on the Paleo diet stray from dairy, grains, processed food and sugars, legumes, starches and alcohol. Research has shown the Paleo diet can improve sleep patterns, blood lipids, aid weight loss and reduce inflammation. Cons: It can be expensive, the lack of dairy can affect bone health and the carbohydrate restriction is not ideal for athletes.

The vegan diet is plant-based and excludes all animal products (eggs, dairy, gelatins). Vegans rely on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes and leafy greens. The diet is rich in fiber and has been shown to prevent diabetes, chronic diseases and improve heart health. Cons: The diet is extremely restrictive and buying produce can be expensive.

There are going to be pros and cons to any diet, but in the end a healthy diet is a balanced diet, and to lose weight exercise is key.

Planning: Your Key to Maintaining a Healthy Diet on a Budget/Busy Schedule

October 2nd, 2014

What does the phrase “health foods” mean to you? Expensive? Time consuming?

Staying on track with a healthy diet can be tough with a tight budget and a busy schedule, but with a little bit of planning, it’s possible. offers the following “Healthy Eating on a Budget” tips:

1. Don’t go food shopping without a list — Create a grocery “game plan.”

  • Plan out your meals for the week before you hit the grocery store. Buying only what you need for the week will save you time and money, and sticking to the list will keep you from impulse unhealthy purchases.

2. Compare “unit prices” on food items.

  • The unit price of an item will tell you the cost per weight of the item. Comparing the cost and the weight will give you more bang for your buck. Compare unit prices by using this equation: TOTAL PRICE/SIZE = UNIT PRICE.

3. Buy produce that is in season. It’s usually cheaper and tastes better. Click here for’s produce guide to find out what’s in season now.

4.  Meat can be expensive. Some healthy low-cost protein choices include beans, legumes, eggs and canned tuna. Try buying family-sized or value packs of meat and freeze what you don’t use to cut your meat costs.

5. Cut out sodas and other beverages you don’t need. Drinking tap water instead of buying sugary drinks will save you money and calories.

For more healthy eating on a budget recipes and tips, visit