Archive for the ‘The Workouts’ Category

Sneak Exercise Into Your Day

Wednesday, July 17th, 2013

Having small kids at home is tough. Finding time to do everything you need to do is even tougher. Exercise becomes nonexistent. I came up with some easy ways you can sneak small segments of exercise into your day. You don’t have to do 30 minutes at a time. Even doing sets of 5 or 10 minutes through out the day is a good start.

I didn’t have a baby to do one of the demos. My “toddler” is 18 now and would not agree to be in my demo. My 31 year old son probably would have had he lived in town.

Workouts you can do at home

An Unusual Way to Work Your Core

Tuesday, December 4th, 2012

We did this really fun workout last week that really challenged the entire core from top to bottom. Everyone loved it even though it was pretty tough.

Don’t have ropes and chains at home? No problem. You can drag anything. Just stay low and tight.

Sunday, December 11th, 2011

I’ve been dreaming about doing adventure race training since I trained Ricky and Megan for last year’s Death Race.

This past month it finally came into fruition.

Although planning the training comes easily to me, I was just lacking some of the obstacles needed to train people for the climbing that most of the races rely heavily upon.

Enter 2 wonderful guys from Tallahassee Police Dept’s SWAT team. They constructed a monster of a 12 ft wall designed for different types of climbing including various attachments for my 24 ft. cargo net.

This along with the many other pieces of equipment that we already have, I was able to officially start Adventure Race Training. Yes, the name isn’t fancy but it is direct and to the point. I don’t think anyone would mistake what we do.

My first group of trainees for November were people signed up for The Tough Mudder.

I explained that although I couldn’t replicate an actual race, I would give them the skills, strength and challenge that these type of races require.

We hold the workouts most weekends for 2 hours. I combine conditioning, upper body and core strength along with race simulations of climbing, crawling, getting wet and cold and lots of short distance running. The workouts change each week but keep the same elements.

The workouts can be designed for any type of group and for as long as someone wants to pay me. Our Death Race workouts lasted up to 12 hours and went through the night.

Here is a video of our ART (simple name but at least the initials spell something) and our clients at the Tough Mudder in Tampa and the Urban Disturbance here in Tallahassee.

More Halloween Horror Nights

Thursday, November 10th, 2011

I came across some more pictures from our Halloween workout. They were too good not to share.

Halloween at Boot Camp

Thursday, November 3rd, 2011

This workout was inspired by the Death Race. I named it The 3 Circles of Hell.

Boot Camp Challenge

Tuesday, October 4th, 2011

This week we did something a little different in our workout. Although our workouts are always different and very unique, we’ve decided to add some challenges. The military refers to these as Gut Checks. We divided the groups into teams of 2. Each team was given a Prowler (pushing sled), a pulling sled, a sandbag, a log, 2 heavy Kettlebells, an ammo can and a wheelbarrow full of heavy items. The goal was for each team to get these items up hill and around the block in the allotted time. Multiple switches were done throughout the 3/4 mile block so that everyone had a chance to use each item. We ended our workout with heavy Kettlebell Farmers Walks around the lot and up 3 sets of stairs. Not only were heart rates soaring but muscles that they never knew existed were put to the test.

Waiting for the 5:30 pm class

So if you get bored with your fitness routine and want a unique workout that is challenging and fun then join us. We have a FREE trial waiting for you.

Our Dig Deep Workout

Monday, August 22nd, 2011

We are mixing things up in boot camp this month. Once a week we will be adding a “dig deep” workout. Not only will these workouts focus on strength, they will focus on tenacity.

Friday’s workout was inspired by The Death Race in which I was on a support team for two of our boot campers. We had 3 circles with logs, aquabags, sandbags, ammo cans filled with weights, Kettlebells and fire hoses. Each team had to do one squat thrust, pick up their item to chest level, put it down and then rotate to the next item and repeat. After 3 rotations, they had to pick up an item and take it for a little walk. Then they switched circles. We repeated this for 40 minutes.

Team Competitions

Thursday, August 11th, 2011

During our last week of camp we had a team competition.

Each team was given a log, 44 lb Kettlebell and an ammo can. They had to split hundreds of squats, push ups and pull ups without letting any of their equipment touch the ground. When they completed that, they had to take all of their equipment on a .6 mile hike.

As you can see, some of the teams were very creative in how they kept their equipment from touching the ground.

Ricky’s Little Shop of Horrors

Friday, February 25th, 2011

Ricky’s Little Shop of Horrors was the term coined by one of our boot campers to describe one of Ricky’s workouts.

Ricky, Mike and I alternate planning the workouts for the month. Although all of the workouts are challenging, Ricky definitely goes all out with using a ton of equipment. I know when Ricky has prepared the workout because when I go into the gym, it looks like a bomb went off. Ricky’s workouts are unique, look deceptively simple and will challenge you in ways you never thought possible.

Here is a clip of his workout from Wednesday.

In between each station was sets of squats, squat jumps, squat thrusts and burpees.

Boot Camp to Benefit the Christmas Connection

Wednesday, December 29th, 2010

On Saturday, December 18th we were able to take 2 truck loads of food and supplies to the Christmas Connection to benefit our area’s neediest families.

Thanks to everyone who came with donations to our Saturday Morning Meltdown.

I forgot to get video of the actual workout, but the circuit was Rope Slams, Kettlebell Deadlifts, Pull ups, Push ups, Lunges, Squats and Medball Slams. We raffled off prizes during our rest periods and ended with Mike’s Finisher, which did make it to film, thanks to Sherry.

Again, thank you to everyone who came out and thanks to those who volunteered their time.